In the fall of 2013, God sent us to the Philippines on a maiden gospel mission. Our first citywide gospel campaign was to General Santos City the following year. It was a five nights citywide miracles crusade. The city of general Santos was zealously affected with the power of the risen Christ that August. The meeting was a kingdom success. The last night of the campaign had up to fifty thousand people in attendance with many of them receiving the Lord as their savior for the very first time.

Christ sent us to the Philippines in Her tough times with a specific mandate. He sent me to “go as a prophet of restoration, a messenger of comfort and an apostle of hope.” I held up the vision and resounded the commission with whatever opportunity I was afforded. God confirmed the message with notable miracles following each address. On one of the islands the previous visit, an impromptu healing school was organized where I took leaders through a crush program-divine healing course. I also left them with all my remaining material and books.

In yet another place, an impromptu healing rally was organized where I had the opportunity to minister to hundreds cramming up the small hall in the town center. I was invited back to the largest hall in that Island for yet another healing campaign. Unforgettably, one particular village stood out among those that benefitted from the commission. After speaking on the subject of divine healing for an hour, I invited the sick that needed healing to come forward so I could minister to them.

After all I figured out that within fifteen minutes, I should be through with the fifty or so people present before proceeding to the next location for the final healing rally that day. However, the healing line seemed not to shorten for the next one and half hours. It was just the same constant length. I began to wonder if the people I was praying for were just going right back to the queue thus completing a continuous unending cycle. Thankfully it finally made progress and I was able to close the service before catching my final appointment that day.

I later learned I had literally prayed for an entire village and many had benefited the miracles of God. I was told as the people were being healed, they ran home and returned promptly bringing their sick relatives with them into the line. Then passersby also started joining the line till we had almost the entire village going through the healing line. Having heard this, I was the gladder it hadn’t ended so soon.

In the five years since, we have been able to take God’s healing power to several cities and provinces including: General Santos, Cagayan De Oro, Malaybalay, Valencia (Bukidnon), Bais City, Dumaguete City, Bacolod City, Iloilo City and Antique San Jose. We have seen God display his mighty miracles in every city we have visited. The blind receive sight, the deaf and dumb both hear and speak, those given up my all human help for death have been miraculously healed, the lame and cripple walk, others have received creative formation of missing body parts – to mention only a few.

God continues to confirm the witness of Christ’s resurrection in every city we visit. One outstanding characteristic God has favored all our campaigns with is there is always greater cohesion and unity within the universal body of Christ following our campaigns. We set off with an initial target to reach thirty-three (33) cities with these such campaigns for Christ. Though the availability of resources has been the chief factor limiting our progress, we have covered good ground.

God has stretched our capacity to comprehend his plan and we realize that more provinces need to be reached and more manpower is needed to execute this commission. I am praying and believing God that you will be able to stand with us prayerfully as well as financially to reach the many lost, oppressed and suffering in the Philippines.

Yours in His duty — emptying hell & filling heaven,