Rev. Solomon Nabeeta is the president and founder of Christ to All Foundation International Ministry and a director at GUGA foundation for African development. Born and raised in Uganda Africa, he has been commissioned to transmit and communicate God’s divine glorious presence to his generation with signs and wonders following.

After a dramatic conversation experience, he honored the call of God on his life in 1995. Serving Pr. Robert Kayanja for over 15 years and under the mentorship of that ministry, Rev. Solomon graduated from Miracle Bible College. Following his graduation with honors from Makerere University with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering, Rev. Solomon entered full time ministry, boldly preaching the word of God with power and conviction at conferences crusades, churches, youth groups and revival meetings.

Rev. Solomon has a passion for the lost, the suffering, the sick and those vexed with unclean spirits and demons. He has traveled extensively from the remotest villages, towns and cities of Africa to the furthest nations and regions of the earth answering the call of God- ministering in the gifts of healings, prophecy, words of knowledge, discerning of spirits, word of wisdom and the gift of special faith through mass miracle crusades, healing services, conferences and community outreach. In his meetings, blind eyes are opened, those born deaf and dumb are healed, tumors disappear, clubfeet have been healed, terminal heart disease and many other cases.

Solomon is the author of several life changing books with the latest; Message of the cross among others like Fasting-Unlocking Divine Potential, Wonderful Comforter, Envoy of Divine Healing, Tarry Ye, Ye Shall Receive Power, Divine Hunger devotional.

Rev. Solomon is joyfully married to Mrs. Candy Siu Nabeeta.


Emptying Hell and Filling Heaven.


To transmit and communicate the divine glorious presence of God to the nations, cities and villages of the world.


The Lord spoke to Rev Solomon and all the ministry in 2007, saying; “Transmit and communicate my glorious divine presence and express my mighty power to this generation. I will be with you in every city, nation and congregation where you go and preach to confirm each word and affirm the message with powerful signs, wonders and miracles”